Grow your business through personal development
I remember when I first discovered personal development over 20 years ago. I was fortunate enough to connect with the original fitness mentor Phil Kaplan. Through reading Phil’s newsletter I was introduced to people like Og Mandino (The Greatest Salesman in the World) and Dale [...]
Are you Prepared for an Emergency?
I’m an optimistic guy by nature. While I’m positive, I’m also realistic. Here are 2 points to consider: 78% of people will have a major negative event in a 10 year period. Somebody is going to have an accident or get sick. Unfortunately, according to [...]
The Power of the Handwritten Note
Thankfully the people on my e-mail list aren’t looking for a “quick fix” solution to business and financial success. About 6 years ago I learned something called the “Win the Day” formula from an uber successful real estate coach. Unfortunately I don’t remember his name [...]
About Your Systems
The word “systems” is being thrown around a lot lately in business circles. The person most responsible for this is probably Michael Gerber. Gerber wrote a classic book called The E-Myth Revisited. If you haven’t read it you should. Gerber discusses the difference between a [...]
Paying Yourself Vs. Investing in Your Business
Common questions that come up with coaching clients are: How do I pay myself? How much should I pay myself? If I make extra money should I pay myself more or save it in the business? In fact, another gym owner that I’m in a [...]
Team Value Journey
You’ll often hear marketers talk about the Customer Value Journey. I recently heard Ryan Deiss, founder and CEO of Digital Marketer discuss this. He spoke about providing value to customers every step of the way. Everything from the first FB post someone sees to when [...]