
Grow your business through personal development

I remember when I first discovered personal development over 20 years ago.

I was fortunate enough to connect with the original fitness mentor Phil Kaplan.

Through reading Phil’s newsletter I was introduced to people like Og Mandino (The Greatest Salesman in the World) and Dale Carnegie (How to Win Friends and Influence People).

Later on, I read and/or listened to books by Earl Nightengale (The Greatest Secret) and Brian Tracy (Eat That Frog).

To say these books were life changing would be an understatement.

I’ve been a student of personal development (to varying intensities) ever since.

Some of the benefits to me have been:

  • Learning the power of written goals
  • Moving beyond limited beliefs
  • Development of skills that have transformed me
  • Learning to take responsibility for my life

I enjoy reading because it relaxes me, gives me great ideas, and makes me a better thinker.

With that said, nothing beats the power of a live event.

If there is one thing that kills a business owner or anyone who is trying to make something of themselves, it’s isolation.

You see, God designed us to be in community.

Without it, we can feel very alone and drift to places that aren’t good.

The benefits of being in a supportive community are beyond the scope of this newsletter but I can tell you firsthand that being at live events with other people who are moving forward like you can change you. What you’ll learn can be transformative but the connections you’ll make are priceless.

OK here comes the pitch.

I’m honored to be speaking alongside some serious studs and studettes this November at Khaled’s RISE event in Dallas.

I don’t know if I’m more excited to speak and help people or to learn from the other speakers and connect with the attendees.

I invite you to join us for what promises to be a life changing event.

You don’t have to go at it alone!

Do you need help with your business or finances? If you need help establishing your goals, hit button above and let’s hop on a call to see if I can help you!
By |2019-08-14T13:39:18+00:00August 14th, 2019|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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