Losses, Stupid Decisions, and Big Mistakes
I always enjoy when people I follow share their mistakes. It helps me to realize/remember that they too are human. The truth is nobody has it all together and we all make mistakes, sometimes really painful ones. While mistakes can be a valuable teacher, [...]
Raising Your Rates
Raising rates is an area many Fit Pros know they need to do but have trouble knowing how to go about it. Like anything, there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. Here is an example of a wrong way. Raise [...]
Should You Take A Loan?
I’m not really going to answer this question. There are too many variables. I can say that since loans are being peddled like crazy, it can be easy to miss some other important financial principles. Preparing for a crisis - A lot of people [...]
No Excuses
I often say that it wasn’t until I started taking full responsibility for where I was that my life began to change. It was years ago when I realized where I wound up financially was up to me. The “reasons” I told myself were [...]
10 Financial Lessons in 10 Years of Business
We just celebrated 10 years in business at my clubs. I didn’t realize that only 4 percent of businesses make the 10 year mark. In honor of our 10 year milestone I figured I’d share 10 financial lessons I learned in the 10 years [...]
The 3 Most Common Jobs of Millionaires
The study of people who accumulate wealth is so interesting to me. You would think there should be a direct relationship between income and wealth but that isn’t the case. You would think there would be lots of lawyers and doctors who are millionaires [...]