You need to see it
"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of you shall at last unveil"-John Ruskin Most Fit Pros don’t take the time to think about where they want to go. If they [...]
"Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so shall you become. Your vision is the promise of you shall at last unveil"-John Ruskin Most Fit Pros don’t take the time to think about where they want to go. If they [...]
I’ve been in business long enough now to have seen a few trends come and go. I remember being a Groupon “Deal of the Day” when that was a thing. We sold 427 trial memberships in one day. Can you [...]
I sawan article on Yahoo finance about a fascinating study on the 6 things preventing people from becoming wealthy. In fact, these 6 things are responsible for most people spending 5K per year! Those people don’t realize what that money [...]
Thankfully we’ve done really well over the past few years with FB ads. They have definitely slowed down, become more expensive, etc. While we still use them but the writing is on the wall. Everything goes in cycles. The same [...]
I recently posted a Part I as well as a Part II and today I bring you the final installment. Step # 3 in developing the proper money mindset is to be a giver. One of the first things my wife and I did [...]
I recently wrote a blog about understanding your root beliefs about money. You can read that here. Today is part 2. The second step to having a proper money mindset is having a clear vision. This is a big topic [...]
When it comes to success with money or anything else, it starts with mindset. I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase “Thoughts become things” popularized by Earl Nightingale. I’ve found this to be true in my own journey. You see, I [...]
Last week I wrote a post about finding your next hire. You can read that here. I mentioned the importance of hiring slow. As we’re in the process of hiring now, I’m reminded how crucial that is. Studies show that [...]
Have you heard the term “Hire slow and fire fast?” I subscribe to half of that axiom. The first part. We are in the process of hiring right now so I figured I’d share some of what works for us. [...]
Have you ever heard someone mention how much someone else is worth? They are obviously referring to the person’s net worth. That’s how much they own minus how much they owe. It’s a good thing to keep track of as [...]