
Who Do You Need to Become?

“Who do you need to become for this to be a reality?” is what a mentor of mine asked me. This was after I shared some big goals I had.

You see, most people have it all wrong when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. They set goals and think there will be a linear line between where they are and their goal.

The problem is this method never works.

The issue is that at some level your identity, or how you see yourself, needs to change. Rather than saving 30K you need to become the type of person who lives below their means and saves a potion of all they earn.

You may be wondering how you change your identity or see yourself differently.

There are several different ways but I want to share an actionable tip so you can get going.

I’m warning you though. You are going to think it is too simple and won’t work.

If you’ll just trust me, I can guarantee it will. What have you got to lose?

Try this for just 2 weeks and circle back to me with your results.

Choose a habit that will lead you to the person you want to become. For example, if you want to pile up a bunch of money, choose saving. .

If you’re already a saver, choose a different habit. It can be anything that will make your life better. Some examples are:

· Quiet time

· Sleep

· Writing

· Reading

· Eating healthfully

Once you have your habit, break it down to the simplest form possible. If it’s reading, read one page per day. For exercise, just perform 5 minutes per day. For my example of saving, save just 1% of what you make. You won’t even notice it.

While this sounds silly, it works because it will help you change how you see yourself.

It’s amazing how something like this can completely change your life over time.

For more detailed info on habit change, I’d refer you to:

  • The Power of Habit by Charles Duhig
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear
  • Switch by the Heath Brothers
Do you need help with your business or finances?
If you need help establishing your goals, hit button above and let’s hop on a call to see if I can help you!
By |2020-01-22T15:57:09+00:00January 22nd, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments

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