
Profit Made Simple

/Profit Made Simple
Profit Made Simple2024-07-23T07:19:19+00:00

Profit Made Simple

Profit Made Simple

After over 200 episodes I’m doing something for the first time. 

I wanted to present to you an interview I did on another podcast. 

The podcast is called Profit Made Simple and the host is Daniel Henderson. 

Thankfully, I’ve been on many industry podcasts but I wanted to share this one for 2 reasons. 

First, Daniel is Australian and I’m from NY so the conversation might be entertaining just because of that.:)

Seriously, we are both so passionate about finances as they relate to the fitness business that it created a unique conversation. 

We tackled topics like:

  • How to go from debt to financial freedom
  • Common financial mistakes you’ll want to avoid
  • Actionable tips to achieve a financially healthy business
  • How to ensure you stay Fitness Business Money Smart

Listen to this episode, apply what you learn, and teach it to others. By the way, be sure to connect with me on Instagram!

Listen and grow!

Your Financial Coach,


P.S. If you or someone you know is looking for a plan to dial in their finances and achieve some financial freedom, book a short call with me here!

P.P.S. You can book a call at that same link if you are interested in getting your financials dialed in and efficient with bookkeeping.