Your Fitness Money Coach | Your Fitness Finance Assessment

"This One Assessment Reveals How Healthy Your Finances Really Are!..."


Take this quick and painless 6 Question Assessment and Find Out What Your Scores Mean:

  • Financial Goal Setting  
  • Quality of Your Spending Plan  
  • Finances and Your Marriage or Singleness  
  • Debt  
  • How Well you Could Handle an “Unexpected” Financial Event  
  • Enjoyment on Your Financial Journey

“Working with Billy transformed not only my business but my life! …Billy is a wonderful mentor and coach who combines positive encouragement with just the right amount of tough love. My business would, without a doubt, not be where it is today if I had not made the decision to do coaching with Billy.”

- Melanie Ash, Fitness Finance Assessment User

After a little over a year, I am 3 only payments away from owning my own 2017 Honda Civic, I have paid over $5,000 of student loans, and managed to save some extra money on the side. The strategies and ideas Billy has instilled have impacted my life greatly and I will continue to use them as I grow and become more successful.”

- KC Reilly, Fitness Finance Assessment User

Who is Billy Hofacker?

As fit pros, we live in a world where things are expensive. Unlike the old days, most of us won’t stay with the same company for 30 years and retire with a fat pension. If we’re not careful, a series of poor financial situations or a lack of planning can leave us in a world of hurt.  

That’s exactly what happened to me. My name is Billy Hofacker. I was “that guy”…working in the fitness industry and believing things were going along “okay.”  

I knew I wasn’t on the path to getting rich but I guess I figured things would somehow get better on their own.  

That delusion ended one day with the sound of my Honda Accord being hooked up to a tow truck.  

My car had been repossessed.  

What I didn’t know about financial planning was about to cost me everything…  

What a wake-up call that was!  

My wife and I were forced to sit down and stare reality in the face.  

And reality was bad – Way north of 6 figures in non-mortgage debt bad. We couldn’t discuss money without getting into an argument and didn’t know where to begin. We were losing hope.  

Thankfully we decided to get out of our comfort zone, get the needed support and start a new and better process.  

And it worked. Today my business is thriving. Our retirements are fully funded. The girls (We have 3!) have college plans in place.  

All the fears that hung over our future disappeared!  

The process worked but it didn’t start until we were willing to get our head out of the sand.  

I documented our journey and the results is “Financial Freedom For Health and Fitness Professionals.”